Thursday, February 6, 2014

Optional...if you're bored...

I hope you have heat and power!

With school closed again - if you're bored - and you want to get a better understanding of Shakespeare and Macbeth...

check out the following:

1. You might find it interesting to watch MACBETH by Orson Welles.

Follow along with your book open and annotate the many changes that Welles makes; it is a fun challenge since he breaks up various monologues and soliloquies and changes the sequence of scenes.

Why does Welles make so many changes? What is lost? What is gained?

You can turn off the Spanish subtitles - but the can be helpful if it's your foreign language ;)

Additionally, if you're interested in the life of Shakespeare... here's a couple takes by Hollywood!

2. On Netflix- Disclaimer: Rated R...

3. Not on Netflix - PG-13...

4. Finally an excellent documentary...
Actor Ethan Hawke researches the part of Shakespeare’s murderous Macbeth.
On Netflix - and click here for full episode on PBS...

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